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Derek Jeter Center

The Derek Jeter Center

About Us.

“What Phoenix House has accomplished over the years is remarkable. Phoenix House continues to change lives and we’re dedicated to being partners for years to come.”

Derek Jeter, Founder

Turn 2 Foundation, Inc.

healing is our passion

Our Roots.

In 1996, during his rookie season with the New York Yankees, Derek Jeter and his father, Dr. Charles Jeter, created the Turn 2 Foundation to motivate young people to turn away from drugs and alcohol and “Turn 2” healthy lifestyles. When the Foundation was born, Derek drew inspiration from his father’s experience as a drug and alcohol abuse counselor whose work had helped so many people overcome substance abuse. Derek recognized that motivating young people to rise above negative influences was key to helping them reach their full potential and, with his father’s help, made it a cornerstone of Turn 2.

In 2008, the Turn 2 Foundation aligned its mission with Phoenix House Florida to create the Derek Jeter Center, a comprehensive outpatient program that serves the youth in the Tampa Bay community. The Derek Jeter Center has since helped hundreds of young individuals reach their full potential. Today, within a newly renovated state-of-the-art treatment center, the Derek Jeter Center proudly serves more than 300 adolescents annually and has helped more than 5,000 young men and women overcome substance use issues and transform their lives for the better.

The Right Care, Right Now

Committed to Quality Care.

The Derek Jeter Center is committed to providing young individuals with the quality care, effective treatment, and family-based support network they deserve. Many young men and women need assistance with health education, family support, co-occuring mental health conditions, and other challenges and we provide the tailored treatment plans they need.

At Phoenix House Florida, our outstanding staff of healthcare professionals are committed to all aspects of a teen’s care and we offer a variety of treatment plans that work for adolescents, including:

  • Research-based treatment programs
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy sessions
  • Motivational therapy techniques
  • Health education seminars
  • Life-training workshops
  • Active learning opportunities
  • Family and peer support programs

Family is everything

Family-Based Approach.

We provide a supportive environment to all our patients and offer family-based therapy that can positively impact adolescents seeking treatment while bringing their family closer together. Our programs put a strong focus on family involvement, as it’s our mission to heal family relationships affected by substance use while focusing on the long-term health and wellness of the individual seeking treatment. We believe strongly that the unwavering support of family, peers, loved ones, and healthcare professionals will provide our youth with the ongoing support they need to live their best life.

Regain control of Your Life

Treatment Options

The DJC in Brandon offers customized outpatient (OP) and intensive outpatient (IOP) for teens age 13 and older. We focus on healthy, positive life choices and encourage patients to identify and maximize their own individual strengths.

At the DJC, teens confront the underlying causes of their addiction and regain control of their lives by building support networks to help sustain recovery. The program’s emphasis on family involvement helps mend family relationships while healing the wounds inflicted by drugs and alcohol.

We firmly believe that cost should not be an issue for a teen to access treatment so we offer many avenues to cover the expense. We are an in-network provider for most insurance carriers, Medicaid, offer an affordable private pay rate and have access to numerous other county, state and local funding.

DJC Services Include:

Intensive Outpatient Treatment

  • Three hours, three days per week in a group setting with additional one-on-one support as indicated
  • Day and evening times available

Outpatient Program

  • Individual sessions and up to four group sessions per week

Comprehensive Services And Referrals

  • For individuals with substance use disorders and
    co-occurring mental health conditions

ASAM Accredited Assessments

  • Walk-in or by appointment


1-3 Days/Week
Monday – Thursday 
5:00pm – 8:00pm


3 Days/Week
Monday – Thursday 
5:00pm – 8:00pm

Continue on the Path Toward success

Scholarship Opportunities

Derek Jeter/Hillsborough Education Foundation Scholarship

Beginning in 2015, Turn 2 launched a new initiative to benefit young people at the Derek Jeter Center at Phoenix House Florida. Each year, one of two annual Derek Jeter/Hillsborough Education Foundation Scholarships is awarded to a graduate of the Derek Jeter Center at Phoenix House Florida. Administered by the Hillsborough Education Foundation, this scholarship is awarded to a high school graduate who demonstrates academic excellence, participates in extracurricular activities, and is active in community service. The scholarship provides $1,000 per year toward the student’s college tuition.


Students inquiring about this scholarship should contact the Hillsborough Education Foundation.
2306 N. Howard Ave.
Tampa, FL 33607
Angie Anthony
Director of Scholarships and Grant Programs
P: 813-574-0273
Visit the Hillsborough Education Foundation’s website to learn more: 
Past scholarship recipients include:
Karina Zaldivar
Summer Smith (Derek Jeter Center at Phoenix House)
George Connor
Ornella Dixon
Charles Zhu
Nevena Pehar
Vanity Shields
Terril Gibson
Ellen Moore
David Barrientos
Gregory Alfonso
Katherine Tison
Tori Wilson
Marcelino Mederos Jr.
Cassidy Curls
Marc Berson
Meng Fei Shen
Lauren Cuervo
Sebastian De Almenara
Olivia Clark
Alex Hinderscheid
Cynthia Kurth
Katherine Newcomb
Tamel McCall

Need Help?

At Phoenix House Florida, we have a passion for healing. If you or your loved one are in need of subtance use treatment, we are here to help. Give us a call or submit our appointment request form today.

Contact Us Now

How Can We Help?

At Our House

For some patients, stepping away from the buzz of everyday life is the only way to make a full recovery. Inpatient treatments help patients refocus their recovery efforts to achieve positive, long-lasting outcomes.

At Your House

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to recovery. Outpatient treatment must follow a continuum of care that starts with a thorough needs assessment and ends with recovery monitoring.

The Derek Jeter Center

The Derek Jeter Center Adolescent program in Brandon, FL provides comprehensive outpatient services that help families deal with teen substance use and related mental health conditions.