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Health Insurance and Its Role in Addiction Treatment

At Phoenix House Florida, we strongly believe that nothing should get in the way of a person seeking substance use treatment, including treatment costs. Too often, addiction sufferers forgo potentially life-saving treatment thinking that it’s outside of their budget or insurance coverage. 

Below, we discuss your rights under the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA) as well as your options for seeking drug addiction treatment in Tampa. If costs are all that is standing between you and recovery, know that in-network providers like Phoenix House Florida work with all types of insurance providers and can give you the treatment you need.

The Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008

With the passing of the MHPAEA in 2008, health insurance companies are prohibited from placing less favorable limitations on addiction and mental health benefits than on medical or surgical benefits. The act was later amended under the Affordable Care Act to also apply to individual health insurance coverage. 

Related: Where Can I Turn to For Addiction Treatment in Tampa? 

Under the act, insurance companies must obey parity requirements, meaning that they must provide the same level of benefits for mental illness or substance abuse as for other medical conditions. This doesn’t guarantee that you will have insurance, but it will at least guarantee that the insurance you do have can be applied to drug addiction treatment in Tampa.

In-Network vs. Out-of-Network

As mentioned, out-of-network providers are able to charge more for their services. However, just because a medical provider is in network doesn’t mean that an insurance company will be willing to cover the entirety of their treatment, which is why it’s important to consult a medical provider like Phoenix House Florida that will fight to ensure that your treatment is covered. Furthermore, you will still be required to pay your deductible, copay, and out-of-pocket expenses. If you are still concerned with the cost of drug addiction treatment in Tampa, reach out to the professionals at Phoenix House Florida for assistance. 

Related: 5 Reasons to Seek Substance Abuse Treatment in Tampa 

Contact the Experienced, Caring Staff at Phoenix House Florida 

As you can see there are numerous factors that go into determining coverage, which is why we encourage you to review our insurance options and contact us with any questions. We are a residential treatment provider for most major insurance carriers, including: 

  • Aetna 
  • Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida
  • Cigna 
  • Humana 
  • UnitedHealthcare 
  • and more

We also accept a number of alternative funding options, including an affordable self-pay rate, the Hillsborough County Health Plan, and other types of state-supported funding.

Our experienced staff would be more than happy to assist you with any questions or concerns. Above all else, we want to assure you that there are treatment options available to you. Regardless of your financial situation, contact the caring professionals at Phoenix House Florida. You can only benefit from learning more about drug addiction treatment in Tampa. 

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, speak with a welcome center associate about drug addiction treatment in Tampa. To schedule a consultation with Phoenix House Florida, please request an appointment today.

Disclaimer: The contents of this website are for general educational purposes only. All content and media on the Phoenix House Florida website does not constitute professional medical advice nor is the information intended to replace the services provided by Phoenix House Florida or other qualified medical professionals. If you believe you are having a medical emergency, call 911 immediately.

The content, views, and opinions communicated on this website do not represent the views of Phoenix House Florida. Reliance on any information provided by this website is solely at your own risk. Although this website contains links to other medical websites, this is strictly for informational purposes. Phoenix House Florida is not responsible nor do they approve of the content featured on any third party linked websites referenced on this website.

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At Phoenix House Florida, we have a passion for healing. If you or your loved one are in need of subtance use treatment, we are here to help. Give us a call or submit our appointment request form today.

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How Can We Help?

The Derek Jeter Center

The Derek Jeter Center Adolescent program in Brandon, FL provides comprehensive outpatient services that help families deal with teen substance use and related mental health conditions.

At Your House

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to recovery. Outpatient treatment must follow a continuum of care that starts with a thorough needs assessment and ends with recovery monitoring.

At Our House

For some patients, stepping away from the buzz of everyday life is the only way to make a full recovery. Inpatient treatments help patients refocus their recovery efforts to achieve positive, long-lasting outcomes.