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Ways to Support Your Child When They Are Struggling With Substance Abuse and Addiction

Whether your child is already grown or still in the process of growing up, seeing them struggle with an addiction can be devastating. As their parent, you may become frustrated when they are not willing to find help or disappointed when they relapse, and it can be especially difficult to separate the vision of the life you had hoped for and the life your child leads.

In this brief article, we’ll go over a few important things to keep in mind when your child is struggling with addiction. Whether you are debating an intervention or already actively looking for help, it’s always wise to be mindful of these tips. If you believe your son or daughter could benefit from rehabilitation with a drug rehab in Tampa after reading this article, don’t hesitate to get in touch with a counselor from Phoenix House Florida.

Related: How Substance Use Disorder Affects the Whole Family

Listen Without Trying to Fix It

As parents, our job is to fix things and protect our children from anything that might harm them. For this reason, it can be frustrating when our children are trying to share their struggle and we can’t fix it or we feel they are unwilling to let us help. This can lead to the person struggling with addiction to feel judged and frustrated themselves, eventually opting to stop sharing because they aren’t looking to be fixed.

Instead, try to listen to what they have to say without trying to offer solutions. This is especially important during recovery because you may be tempted to micromanage their progress. However, it’s critical to let them share when they are ready throughout their recovery process without judgment.

Look Beyond the Behavior

Often, when one is faced with a person struggling with addiction, they begin to only see the behavior and not the person. Especially when trying to connect with family and your children, it’s important to look beyond the behavior and remember the person they are and who they are striving to be beyond recovery.

Of course, this is easier said than done. You may find it helpful to write in a journal the things you love and appreciate about them, which you can refer back to when you find yourself focusing on the behavior alone. This does not mean letting down necessary boundaries, rather just reminding yourself that the person you love still exists, which is crucial to remember on the hard days.

Related: Encouraging a Loved One to Seek Treatment for Substance Abuse

Find Support for Yourself

Finding support for your loved one who is struggling with addiction is important, but so is finding support for yourself. Connect with other parents who have children or family members in drug abuse recovery in Tampa. This will help you learn coping mechanisms that will help both you and your child succeed in recovery.

If you or a loved one are struggling with substance abuse and need drug abuse treatment in Tampa, help is available. In-person and virtual recovery meetings, as well as telehealth services, are available through Phoenix House Florida. As Phoenix House Florida believes strongly in engaging the family as a partner in treatment, frequent communication and participation are highly encouraged.

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, speak with a specialist regarding drug rehab in Tampa. To schedule a consultation with Phoenix House Florida, please request an appointment today.

Disclaimer: The contents of this website are for general educational purposes only. All content and media on the Phoenix House Florida website does not constitute professional medical advice nor is the information intended to replace the services provided by Phoenix House Florida or other qualified medical professionals. If you believe you are having a medical emergency, call 911 immediately.

Need Help?

At Phoenix House Florida, we have a passion for healing. If you or your loved one are in need of subtance use treatment, we are here to help. Give us a call or submit our appointment request form today.

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How Can We Help?

At Your House

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to recovery. Outpatient treatment must follow a continuum of care that starts with a thorough needs assessment and ends with recovery monitoring.

At Our House

For some patients, stepping away from the buzz of everyday life is the only way to make a full recovery. Inpatient treatments help patients refocus their recovery efforts to achieve positive, long-lasting outcomes.

The Derek Jeter Center

The Derek Jeter Center Adolescent program in Brandon, FL provides comprehensive outpatient services that help families deal with teen substance use and related mental health conditions.